Glowing bunnies!?

why we're making hybrids, chimeras, and clones

"Our brave new world is here. With modern genetic technologies, science fiction's 'what if?' has become the scientist's 'why not?' Bioengineering has the potential to remake animals in almost any way we can imagine, and it's being used to solve a range of urgent global problems, including climate change, species extinctions, the destruction of natural habitats, and human health issues. But just because we can do all these things, does that mean we should? In the pages of Glowing Bunnies!? you will encounter some of the strange and wonderful genetically modified animals of tomorrow. Learn why scientists are going to such lengths to mess with genes and what the ethical and health-related consequences might be. By understanding both the science and the stakes, you too can judge the potential of this budding science to save--or ruin--the world. Presented as a compendium of existing and proposed creatures, this book describes the animals being created, the scientific techniques involved, and each animal's purpose. Additionally, it addresses bioethics, unintended consequences, and animal welfare"--Provided by the publisher.

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