What is weather?

Throughout history, people have both worshipped and feared the weather for its tremendous power. Weather has a role in culture, economies and even in how people interpret the concept of time. Weather is such an integral part of the daily routine that most people forget how truly powerful of a force weather actually is. Chances are, you check the weather quite often. If you play sports, have an outdoor school activity, or are planning an outing with your family, the weather is a factor. Even though the weather dictates a great deal regarding how we live our lives, very few of us stop to truly understand what weather actually is. This book teaches the six fundamental aspects of weather, and each book in The New Weather series provides very interesting information about everything you have ever wanted to know about weather and climate. Readers can explore how scientists study the weather, learn about weather-related careers, and explore some of the most extreme weather on our planet.

Mason Crest


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