It's ok that you're not ok

meeting grief and loss in a culture that doesn't understand

Challenging conventional wisdom on grief, a pioneering therapist offers a new resource for those experiencing loss When a painful loss or life-shattering event upends your world, here is the first thing to know: there is nothing wrong with grief. "Grief is simply love in its most wild and painful form," says Megan Devine. "It is a natural and sane response to loss." So, why does our culture treat grief like a disease to be cured as quickly as possible? In It's OK That You're Not OK, Megan Devine offers a profound new approach to both the experience of grief and the way we try to help others who have endured tragedy. Having experienced grief from both sides-as both a therapist and as a woman who witnessed the accidental drowning of her beloved partner-Megan writes with deep insight about the unspoken truths of loss, love, and healing.

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