stories, songs, and poems from the desk of kill.gertrude
". . . collection written by Sierra Shuck-Sparer when she found herself grappling with the unimaginable: high-risk medulloblastoma. At the age of fifteen, Sierra was thrust into her harrowing battle against Gertrude (the name she gave her cancer). She faced relentless treatments and surgeries all while trying to retain her identity as a teenager heading into her college years. Sierra chronicled her journey through diagnosis, relapses, and treatment stages using a . . . blend of heart-rending poetry, introspective essays and songs, zines, and curated playlists. This collection is a . . . call to raise awareness about pediatric cancer and a . . . glimpse into Sierra's humorous, heartbreaking, and sanguine view of the world around her"--Provided by publisher.