environmental aspects

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environmental aspects

Oak Flat

a fight for sacred land in the American West
Examines the true story of the high-elevation mesa known as Oak Flat, a sacred Apache site in southeastern Arizona where the San Carlos tribe conducts its Sunrise Ceremony, a coming-of-age ritual for Apache girls. Through interview transcripts and illustrations the author tells of how this San Carlos community has been fighting against the U.S. government and two massive mining companies to keep Oak Flat from being destroyed over its vast copper reserves.

Taming plastic

stop the pollution
"Plastic seems like a miraculous invention. You can make it into any shape, color or size, and it can be flexible or sturdy. Plastic also lasts forever--and that's a big problem. It's estimated that by 2050 there'll be more pounds of plastic in our oceans than pounds of fish. Recycling programs are growing faster than the collected plastic can be processed, and not all plastic can be recycled.Learn about the creative solutions that visionary people across the planet are using to curb plastic waste. Become an Emergency Planetary Technician and find out what you can do every day to tame plastic."--.

What is the impact of declining biodiversity?

"In 2019 there were about 7.7 billion humans on Earth, more than double the number of people alive in 1969. During that fifty-year period the impact of humanity on the natural environment has increased proportionately. human activity is causing a loss of biodiversity-the diversity of plant, animal, algae, fungi, and microbe species. But the survival of humanity-and all life on earth-is directly related to biodiversity"-- Provided by publisher.

The plastic problem

Discusses the problem that plastic pollution causes, especially in the ocean where massive garbage patches have formed that put marine life at risk, and explores ways it may be reduced.

What is the impact of excessive waste and garbage?

Discusses the worldwide problem with the accumulation of waste and garbage, including what is taking place, it's consequences, what's being done about it, and suggestions on how to make a difference.

The danger of greenhouse gases

Learn the science behind the greenhouse gases problem and some of the ways that we can fight back.
Cover image of The danger of greenhouse gases

The impact of travel and transportation

"Modern transportation lets us travel farther and faster than ever before, but these developments have come at a cost. This book explores ways we can move around without harming the planet. Case studies show how scientists are working on cleaner fuels and new forms of transportation in order to prevent pollution, which affects people's health, and greenhouse gases, which contribute to climate change. Find out how we can contribute by changing our own transportation habits"--Provided by publisher.


"The story of an oil spill and its devastating effects on animals and the environment" -- Provided by publisher.

Hunting and conservation

Although hunting and conservation may appear to be at odds, the truth is that many great conservation efforts have been propelled by hunters. For example, the U.S. National Park System was created in large part to the efforts of hunters. So how does hunting benefit conservation today? Critics argue that hunting encourages poaching, animal cruelty, and can lead to extinction. Proponents counter that hunting encourages sustainability and controls animal populations, and that hunting for sustenance is more ethical than buying commercial meat. The diverging perspectives that comprise this volume provide readers with a comprehensive view of the controversies surrounding this topic.

The impact of food and farming

"Modern farming allows us to buy almost any kind of food at any time of the year. But this convenience comes at a cost. This . . . book shows how we can farm and grow food without harming the planet. Case studies show how scientists are investigating ways to prevent the problems modern farming creates, including pollution from chemicals used for growing crops, clear cutting of rainforests to makespace for grazing and farmland, and contributing to climate change by breeding more and more livestock. Useful suggestions encourage readers to find ways to reduce their food waste and packaging"--Provided by publisher.


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