environmental aspects

Topical Term
environmental aspects

Ecosystems at risk

"Provides comprehensive information on climate change and its effects on the world's ecosystems"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Ecosystems at risk

Operating farms and logging companies

"This book touches on topics including the importance of agriculture, farm runoff, responsible harvesting, and reforestation, as well as how these events affect Earth's landscape"--Amazon.
Cover image of Operating farms and logging companies

The vertical farm

feeding the world in the 21st century
Dickson Despommier shares his concept of the vertical farm as a possible solution to the world's food, water, and energy problems, and discusses the many benefits of having crops grown inside skyscrapers.
Cover image of The vertical farm

Even more picture-perfect science lessons

K-5, using children's books to guide inquiry
Presents a collection of fifteen lesson plans for Kindergarten through fifth-grade science classroom that use picture books to help develop interest in science, and contains reproducible student pages and assessments.
Cover image of Even more picture-perfect science lessons

Desastres ecol?gicos

los derrames de petr?leo yel medioambiente
An introduction to oil spills that describes the negative effects of spills caused by ships, drilling, and underwater pipelines on the surrounding environment, and also explains how to clean up and prevent oil related disasters. Presented in graphic form.

All about cars

Introduces the history of the automobile as a form of transportation and the many types of cars, explains how a car is assembled and how it works, and discusses the latest innovations in the field of automobiles and the automobiles of the future.

The shoestring library

Provides hundreds of tips and strategies, many of them environmentally friendly, for running a library on a tight budget, with tips on using volunteers, finding free materials, fixing structural problems, repurposing, and more.

Losing Earth

a recent history
Discusses the human story of climate change, including the birth of climate denialism, the genesis of the fossil fuel industry's plans, and more.

Making our food sustainable

"How can eating better ourselves improve life for everyone on the planet? This . . . title combines images and infographics to help explain how choosing foods that don't have to be shipped long distances, don't add to world pollution, and are not in danger of running out helps to ensure the world's food supply. Close-up boxes and case studies illustrate . . . examples of topics such as soil protection, organic vs industrial farming, and overfishing"--Provided by publisher.

Wild buildings and bridges

architecture inspired by nature
"Many architects today are looking to plants and animals to help solve their design challenges. Inspired by how nature already works, these architects are coming up with innovative ways to cool buildings, withstand earthquakes and save energy. In [this book], [the author] explores these . . . feats of architecture. Kids will discover buildings and bridges inspired by cactuses, beetles, termite towers, trees, grass, and more. In some cases, nature has thought of it first, like a flood-proof house that floats like a water lily leaf. Nature's beauty has also inspired buildings that look like a lotus flower, a bird's nest and even an armadillo"--Provided by publisher.


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