southwestern states

Geographic Name
southwestern states

Where the buffalo roam

This expansion of the original verse includes the animals, plants, and geographical features of the American Southwest. Provides additional information on the history of the region and the habits of the wildlife.

The Southwest

Presents and introduction the Southwestern states including Ariona, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas and discusses different aspects of each state.

Mound builders & cliff dwellers

Discusses the early mound builders and cliff dwellers of North America, including the Adena, the Hopewell, and the Anasazi, showing the finds of significant archaeological digs; also includes a time line and a bibliography.

The lilies of the field

A young African-American man driving through the Southwest helps a group of German refugee nuns build a church.

Across a hundred mountains

a novel
Juana, abandoned when her mother is jailed, heads for the United States in search of her father who left years earlier to find work and meets a young prostitute who plays a major role in the course of the rest of her life.

The Puebloan society of Chaco Canyon

Examines the Puebloan Indian society of Chaco Canyon, discussing their leaders, ritual and craft, and commoners, introducing key archaeologists in Chacoan study, and including documents.

From Coronado to Escalante

the explorers of the Spanish Southwest
Traces the history of Spanish exploration of the American Southwest and Mexico.

Hispanic America, Texas, and the Mexican War, 1835-1850

Examines the settlement of the area that became the southwestern portion of the United States, detailing how it evolved from land settled by Native Americans, to Spanish territory, to states that were pawns between the North and South prior to the Civil War.

The corn woman

stories and legends of the Hispanic Southwest = La mujer del ma?z : cuentos y leyendas del sudoeste hispano
A collection of stories in Spanish and English from the Hispanic Southwest.

Talking God

Separate police investigations become closely related when it becomes clear that Henry Highhawk is wanted by others besides the police and is involved in more than grave robbing.


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