psychotropic drugs

Topical Term
psychotropic drugs

From chocolate to morphine

everything you need to know about mind-altering drugs
Provides essential information on drugs and how they affect the mind and body.

Personality disorders

Looks at personality disorders and drug therapies for them.

The FDA & psychiatric drugs

how a drug is approved
Describes how a psychiatric drug is approved for use by the FDA, as well as some historical background on the agency.

Anxiety disorders

Examines the many different forms of anxiety disorders, the most common psychiatric illness in North America, discussing the symptoms of the disorder, telling the stories of people who suffer with anxiety, and looking at psychiatric drugs and other therapies.

The hidden story of drugs

Drug abuse can ruin the lives of users and their friends and family. It can cause harm to a person's body and take control of his or her mind. Drug use also supports an illegal drug supply industry one that involves criminals and gangs. This frank, clear-eyed, sobering text examines what drugs are, what they can do, and how people can get help.

Investigate club drugs

"Find out what club drugs are, what happens when someone becomes addicted, and how the addiction is treated"--Publisher.

Drugs and your brain

Discusses how the brain functions, the effects of drugs on the brain, how drug use can lead to addiction, and where to get help.

From chocolate to morphine

everything you need to know about mind-altering drugs
Provides essential information on drugs and how they affect the mind and body.

Anatomy of an epidemic

magic bullets, psychiatric drugs, and the astonishing rise of mental illness in America
Examines long-term case studies on mental illness in the United States and the effects of psychiatric drugs, covering the published results of these studies as well as alternative programs that are producing positive outcomes.


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