poke?mon (game)

Topical Term
poke?mon (game)

Gui?a de los Poke?mon legendarios y mi?ticos

Presents the latest information about the legendary and mythical Poke?mon, describing each character's statistics, fighting styles, and the best way to catch them.


gui?a oficial de los Poke?mon Legendarios y Singulares
"Discover the origins of the mysterious and unique Legendary and Mythical Poke?mon! ... It's the insider's guide to the rarest and most powerful known Poke?mon"--Amazon.com.


?U?nete a Ash en un trepidante viaje a trave?s del mundo Poke?mon y conoce a nuevos amigos y asombrosos Poke?mon por el camino! Viaja por ocho regiones como nunca lo has hecho: descubre lugares escondidos en la Regio?n de Kanto, nada en los grandes lagos de Johto, visita las islas de la Regio?n de Hoenn, divie?rtete y participa en los entretenidos festivales de Sinnoh, admira las ciudades vibrantes de Teselia, explora los castillos de Kalos, practica surf en Alola y prueba la riqui?sima comida de Galar. ?Adema?s, podra?s hacer un pequen?o tour por la nueva regio?n, Paldea! Explora ma?s de cien localizaciones, visita lugares increi?bles, descubre quie?n es quie?n y prepa?rate para conocer un sinfi?n de Poke?mon alla? donde vayas. Con Ash como gui?a de viaje, vive la aventura Poke?mon definitiva y conoce todas las curiosidades que hacen del mundo Poke?mon un lugar u?nico y especial.

Gotta catch all the TV shows

"This title looks at the multiple TV series from the Poke?mon franchise and gives information related to behind the scenes, their releases, and the impact they have had on the industry"--Amazon.

Gotta catch all the movies

"This title looks at the movies from the Poke?mon franchise and gives information related to behind the scenes, their releases, and the impact they have had on the industry"--Amazon.

Gotta catch all the games

"This title looks at the games from the Poke?mon franchise and gives information related to their release, their evolution, and the impact they have had on the industry"--Amazon.

Gotta catch all the trading cards

"This title looks at the Poke?mon Trading Card Game and gives information related to its release, its rise in popularity, and the way it has changed tabletop games forever"--Amazon.

Gotta catch all the trainers

"This title looks at the trainers from the Poke?mon franchise and gives information related to their introductions, appearances across the series, and why they are beloved by fans"--Amazon.


trainer's mini exploration guide to Kanto
Provides illustrations and profiles of 151 Poke?mon characters from the Kanto region, highlighting their physical features, behaviors, and powers, and describing stories of humans' encounters with them.


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