
Topical Term

What we believe but cannot prove

today's leading thinkers on science in the age of certainty
A series of essays by more than one hundred of the world's leading scholars who reveal what they believe despite a current lack of supporting evidence about such topics as the future of humankind, the fate of the universe, and extraterrestrial life.

Gift from the Sea

"Deals with the essential needs, gifts, obligations and aspirations of women as distinct from those of men.".

From lava to life

the universe tells our earth's story
A history of the Earth, from its formation through the appearance of mammals and the extinction of dinosaurs, in the form of a story told by the Universe itself to an Earthling.

Images of greatness

a celebration of life
Illustrations and quotations of notable world citizens emphasize the possibilities of continued service and creativity through old age.

Eyewitness life

Looks back billions of years to the cauldron of life's beginnings, chronicling its evolution from single-celled creatures through the age of dinosaurs and on to the complexity of the plants and animals that exist today.

Maybe (maybe not)

second thoughts from a secret life
Presents Fulghum's thoughts on the secret life (that nonstop epic playing inside our heads, where all our best-laid dreams are hatched), on barbershop mythology, the shifting signifcance of nicknames over the course of a lifetime, or the circumstances of one's own conception. Contemplate along with him the revelations afforded by ironing a shirt, a rousing session of musical chairs, or the ethical struggle to decide a poinsettia's fate; acknowledge that love indeed transcends the ravages of time and that some family secrets can be gifts of joy.

The Kingfisher young people's book of planet Earth

Examines the geology, atmosphere, and weather of the planet Earth and how they affect its life forms.

This I believe II

the personal philosophies of remarkable men and women
A collection of seventy-five essays, based on the National Public Radio series where ordinary people and known figures--including Yo Yo Ma, Eli Wiesel, and Mary Chapin Carpenter--describe their personal philosophies, and features selections entitled "I Will Take My Voice Back," "The Right to be Fully American," and many others.


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