A little Black girl named Anyiaka, struggling to find her place in her Gullah Geechee family, is shown how special she is through a set of nesting dolls in her grandma's art studio.
Did you know that Przewalski's horses are wild horses? They look like zebras without stripes. Find out more about these amazing animals in Przewalski's Horses.
Did you know that Arabian horses are known as some of the most beautiful horses? They are small, with long manes and tails. Find out more about these amazing animals in this book.
Did you know that Appaloosas are known for their spotted coats? No two Appaloosas have the same pattern of spots. Find out more about these amazing animals in this book.
Did you know that more than 20,000 Thoroughbreds are born in North America each year? Most Thoroughbreds live in the United States. Find out more about these amazing animals in this book.
Did you know that Clydesdales are some of the heaviest horses? A Clydesdale's hoof is about as big as a dinner plate. Find out more about these amazing animals in this book.
While one page presents specific information which serves as a clue to the identity of a particular black and white animal, the next page reveals the name of the animal.