Woodward, Kay

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El tacto

Explores the sense of touch using examples of rocks and cats. Describes the physiology of touch and includes an activity.

El olfato

Explores the sense of smell using examples such as flowers and fruit. Describes how humans and animals perceive odors. Includes an activity and glossary.

El oido

Explores the sense of hearing using examples such as drumming and a jackhammer. Describes the physiology of hearing and includes an activity.

El gusto

Discusses our sense of taste and the role of the tongue and nose in tasting different types of foods including hot, cold, salty, sweet, bitter, and sour. Also describes how animals and insects taste their food.

Too Small Paul

Paul is too small for everything. But when it comes time to play a game with his brother, Paul realized he just might be the perfect size.

Tansy's new petals

Tansy moves to the highway after her flowers start to take over the garden, and even though she made friends with the elves, she still tries to move back into the Flower Fairies' Garden.

The golden compass

Lyra's world
Accompanied by her daemon, Lyra Belacqua sets out to prevent her best friend and other kidnapped children from becoming the subject of gruesome experiments in the Far North.

Squish, crunch, splash!

Kate makes a variety of noises as she plays, stepping in mud, paint, and snow, and eating her favorite foods, after which it is time for a bath.


Examines the sense of taste,explaining how the tongue detects different tastes, and how people react to them, and discusses the sense of taste in animals and insects.


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