I am American

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Servant to Abigail Adams : the early American adventures of Hannah Cooper

Illustrated text, letters, and diary excerpts follow a fictional teenagte servant as she accompanies First Lady Abigail Adams to the Executive Mansion in Philadephia and later to the new presidential residence in Washington, D.C., where they witness the election of Thomas jefferson in 1800.

Servant to Abigail Adams

the early American adventures of Hannah Cooper
In 1800, thirteen-year-old Hannah Cooper works as a servant for Abigail Adams. Hannah corresponds with her printer brother, Daniel, about President Adams's run for re-election against Thomas Jefferson, the newly constructed White House, and life in the President's household.

Servant to Abigail Adams : the early American adventures of Hannah Cooper

Illustrated text, letters, and diary excerpts follow a fictional teenagte servant as she accompanies First Lady Abigail Adams to the Executive Mansion in Philadephia and later to the new presidential residence in Washington, D.C., where they witness the election of Thomas jefferson in 1800.

Cowboys on the Western Trail

the cattle drive adventures of Josh McNabb and Davy Bartlett
Recounts events of an 1877 cattle drive from southern Texas to Ogallala, Nebraska, through the letters and journals of two boys and an older member of the crew.
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