decision making

Topical Term
decision making

This or that? 4

even more wacky choices to reveal the hidden you
Two choices are offered to readers and what is picked can reveal something about themselves.

This or that? 3

even more wacky choices to reveal the hidden you
Two choices are offered to readers and what is picked can reveal something about themselves.

What pet should I get?

A boy wants all of the pets in a pet store but he and his sister can choose only one. End notes discuss Dr. Seuss's pets, his creative process, and the discovery of the manuscript and illustrations for "What Pet Should I Get?".

Situations matter

understanding how context transforms your world
Examines how social contexts affect human behavior, arguing that situations have more to do with what we are thinking about in any given moment than our personalities, including feelings like love and achievements of success.

This or that?

the wacky book of choices to reveal the hidden you
Two choices are offered to readers and what is picked can reveal something about themselves.

History's greatest decisions

and the people who made them
History's Greatest Decisions takes a lighthearted but informative look at fifty of the best decisions ever made.

Softball surprise

Jo is disappointed when she is not placed on the Red Angels in the summer softball league--but when she is offered the chance to switch teams, Jo has to decide if she will leave her friends and play for the "winning" team--or win with the Sonics.

Turn the ship around!

a true story of building leaders by breaking the rules
"Stephen Covey inspired millions with his writings but where did Dr. Covey get his inspiration? This is the story of one such source, one that Dr. Covey himself called the most empowered organization he had ever seen - and a nuclear powered submarine no less. From the vantage point of the commander of the USS Santa Fe, read how the crew completely turned the ship around, going from worst to first by questioning many of our basic leadership assumptions and shifting from take-control authority to give-control empowerment. Share the author's insights as the crew gains unprecedented decision making authority, the risks of doing so, and the reward of an exponentially more effective and more resilient organization. Learn how to achieve astounding results by applying the author's practical steps, such as - Release proactivity and initiative with ''I intend to...'' - Build teamwork and minimize errors with ''deliberate action'' - Enhance responsibility and ownership by eliminating top-down monitoring - Improving morale by focusing on excellence rather than errors" -- Provided by publisher.

This or that? 2

more wacky choices to reveal the hidden you
Two choices are offered to readers and what is picked can reveal something about themselves.

Freedom evolves

Examines the evolution of freedom and explores free will, determinism, and morality, discussing research from such fields as evolutionary biology, cognitive neuroscience, and economics.


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