rare animals

Topical Term
rare animals

Vanishing animal neighbors

Describes the plight of such endangered animals as the salamander, garter snake, and monarch butterfly.

Close to extinction

Examines the process of extinction and humans' responsibility for the disappearance of many species and the destruction of their habitats.

Endangered animals

Discusses various endangered animal species in the world, why and how they become endangered, and what can be done to save them.

Endangered species

Explains what species are, how they become extinct, and the effect of extinction on the ecology, and surveys endangered species of plants and animals and possible solutions.

Endangered mammals of North America

Looks at several endangered North American species such as bowhead whales, Florida panthers, long-nosed bats, and Caribbean manatees, focusing on recent conservation efforts.

Lost wild worlds

the story of extinct and vanishing wildlife of the Eastern Hemisphere
A survey of the past and present wildlife of Europe, Asia, Africa, Madagascar and the Islands of the Indian Ocean, the Malay Archipelago, Australia, and New Zealand. Includes a discussion on the future of wildlife.

Wildlife alert!

The struggle to survive
Discusses the many problems that animals around the world face and what people are doing to help. A wall poster and a 24-page booklet of games and puzzles are included.

The ghost with trembling wings

science, wishful thinking, and the search for lost species
Scott Weidensaul chronicles scientists' search for extinct species, discussing how some plants and animals have reappeared after being lost for hundreds of years.

The rarest of the rare

vanishing animals, timeless worlds
Relates observations about the disappearance of rare, exotic, and endangered species and ecosystems. Discusses the habitats of monk seals, albatrosses, and migrating monarch butterflies.

It could still be endangered

Presents many animals that are extinct or endangered, such as the bald eagle, passenger pigeon, and American bison, tells what has caused their numbers to dwindle, and suggests how they might be saved.


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