Jacobs, Francine

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Bermuda petrel

the bird that would not die
Discusses the Bermuda petrel, a bird that nests only in Bermuda, and how it was saved from extinction.

The wisher's handbook

A collection of superstitions describing when wishes can be made and the ritual which must be followed if they are to come true.

Sam, the sea cow

Follows the adventures of a manatee, or sea cow, from birth till after he leaves his mother.

A passion for danger

Nansen's Arctic adventures
A biography of the Norwegian explorer, author, scientist, and statesman who made many important expeditions to the North Pole.


Describes the life cycle of a coral polyp, the formation of a coral reef, and the function of this structure in the sea.

Sea turtles

Discusses the physical characteristics, habits, and habitats of the five species of sea turtles.


the true story of penicillin
Describes the history of penicillin from the discovery of the mold by Fleming through the years of work by such scientists as Chain, Heatley, Florey, and Sheehan who purified, tested, synthesized, and eventually presented the "miracle" drug to the world.

Fire snake

the railroad that changed East Africa
Describes the construction of the East African railroad at the turn of the century and the political and social effects of it on colonial Africa.

The Sargasso Sea

an ocean desert
Discusses the location, history, characteristics, marine life, and importance of the unique area of the Atlantic that has spawned numerous unsolved mysteries.

Lonesome George, the giant tortoise

Describes the life of Lonesome George, the last living Pinta Island giant tortoise, from his search for food on the Galapagos island to his days at the Charles Darwin Research Station, where scientists are encouraging him to mate.


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