While living on the Rocky Ridge Farm in Missouri, thirteen-year-old Rose Wilder celebrates the turn of the twentieth century and begins to wonder about her future.
Laura and her family move to Minnesota where they live in a dugout until a new house is built and face misfortunes caused by flood, blizzard, and grasshoppers.
The life of Almanzo Wilder in New York State in the 1860's, before he went west with his family to homestead land and to meet his future wife, Laura Ingalls Wilder.
Laura Ingalls travels with her family from the big woods of Wisconsin to the prairies of Kansas, where they build a house, meet neighboring Native Americans, and face the challenges of frontier life.
A year in the life of two young girls growing up on the Wisconsin frontier, as they help their mother with the daily chores, enjoy their father's stories and singing, and share special occasions when they get together with relatives or neighbors.
While Laura Ingalls grows up on the western prairie, a boy named Almanzo Wilder is living on a farm in New York State. Here Almanzo and his brother and sisters help with the summer planting and fall harvest. In winter there is wood to be chopped and great slabs of ice to be cut from the river and stored. Time for fun comes when the country fair comes to town.