Brown, Marcia

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Dick Whittington and his cat

A retelling of the legend about a boy who became mayor of London, who heard his future in the Bells of Bow and made his fortune through his cat.

Dick Whittington and his cat

A retelling of the legend about a boy who became mayor of London, who heard his future in the Bells of Bow and made his fortune through his cat.

The flying carpet

The story of the Princes Husayn, Ali and Ahmad and their quest for the hand of Princess Nur-al Nihar.

Once a mouse...A fable cut in wood

As it changes from mouse, to cat, to dog, to tiger, a hermit's pet also becomes increasingly vain.

Dick Whittington and his cat

A retelling of the legend about a boy who became mayor of London, who heard his future in the Bells of Bow and made his fortune through his cat.

Une dr?le de soupe

Stone soup

Dick Whittington and his cat

A retelling of the legend about a boy who became mayor of London, who heard his future in the Bells of Bow and made his fortune through his cat.

Dick Whittington and his cat

Retells the legend of the poor boy in medieval England who trades his beloved cat for a fortune in gold and jewels and eventually becomes Lord Mayor of London.

The neighbors

When the fox's ice house melts, he simply takes over the hare's home who then must find a way to get it back.


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