learning disabled

Topical Term
learning disabled

Colleges for students with learning disabilities or ADD

Profiles over 1,100 two- and four-year colleges in the U.S. and Canada with programs for students with learning disabilities or attention deficit disorder, providing details on tutoring, remediation, summer programs, and unique aids and services along with application deadlines and contact information for program coordinators.

The short bus

a journey beyond normal
The author recounts a four-month cross-country trip to meet children and adults who have triumphed over learning disabilities and have gone on to lead successful lives.

That's like me!

stories about amazing people with learning differences
Contains fifteen stories from children and adults in which they describe how they were able to overcome their learning difficulties and achieve their goals.

From stumbling blocks to stepping stones

help and hope for special needs kids

Learning disabilities sourcebook

"Provides basic consumer health information about the signs, symptoms, and diagnosis of various learning disabilities and other conditions that impact learning, along with facts about early intervention and the special education process, advice for coping at home and school, and handling the transition to adulthood. Includes index, glossary of related terms, and other resources"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Learning disabilities sourcebook

What about me?

strategies for teaching misunderstood learners
Offers specific help to teachers and parents of misunderstood learners, explaining how they can help special learners grow into self-sufficient, responsible adults who can recognize their strengths and manage their weaknesses.

The woman who changed her brain

and other inspiring stories of pioneering brain transformation
The founder of the Arrowsmith Program shares how she overcame severe learning disabilities by developing brain exercises to combat neurological challenges, discussing what her achievements reveal about the potential for shaping the human brain.

Survival guide for college students with ADD or LD

Provides a survival guide for high school or college students with learning disorders and offers information on choosing the right college, working with counselors and professors, managing time and overcoming frustrations, and minimizing distractions.


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