Barkow, Henriette

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Les chanteurs de rues de Bremen =

The buskers of Bremen
While on their way to Bremen to become street musicians, four aging animals who are no longer of any use to their masters find a new home after outwitting a gang of robbers Presented in French and English.

Buri and the marrow

an Indian folk tale
An old woman, traveling to her daughter's home, convinces a fox, a tiger, and a lion not to eat her until her return trip, and then must plot with her daughter to come up with a plan to fool them. Presented in English and Arabic.

The pied piper

Contains an illustrated retelling of the story in which the Pied Piper is hired to free a village rats, but when the villagers refuse to pay him for the service, he lures away their children as well. Presented in Persian and English.

Kooxdii reer Biriiman =

The buskers of Bremen
Four old animals, on the run from owners who plan to kill them, experience a change of fortunewhile on their way to become street musicians in Bremen. Presented in English and Somali.

B? g? m?i hung ??o v? nh??ng h?t l?a m? =

The Little Red Hen and the grains of wheat
When the Little Red Hen asks the other barnyard animals who will help with the planting, reaping, and other chores they all say, "Not I," but when the work is done they all want a reward.

C?i r??ng c?ua Pan-?o-ra =

Pandora's Box / [Vietnamese version]
Retells the Greek myth of how and why Zeus created Pandora and how her gift of curiosity led her to unleash hate, greed, pestilence, disease, and hope upon the world. Presented in English and Vietnamese.

A?lama kurnaz! =

Don't cry, Sly!
Presents a children's story written in both English and Turkish about a fox who devises a plan to capture his neighbor, Little Hen, because Fox's mother wants a chicken dinner.

Alfie' nin melekleri =

Alfie's angels
Alfie really wants to be an angel, because they can fly and sing and do many other wonderful things, but when his school selects students to be angels once a year, only girls are chosen. Presented in English and Turkish.


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