saving and investment

Topical Term
saving and investment

Top 10 secrets for saving successfully

Details ten strategies teens can follow to effectively save money and put it toward a future goal. Contains real-world examples throughout and includes color photographs, a glossary, and further reading sources.

Smart strategies for investing wisely and successfully

Describes different ways money can be invested, explains the risks involved with each, and gives instructions for creating financial goals and developing investment plans.

How to save and invest

Text and photographs provide an introduction to saving and investing money.

Wealth Management Teams

The smart investor's guide to evaluating and selecting a competent team of financial professionals
Your financial future depends on the quality of financial advice you receive and the decisions made by your investors on your behalf.

Social network-powered investing & saving opportunities

An introduction to saving and investing that incorporates social networking.

In cheap we trust

the story of a misunderstood American virtue
Examines frugality in the American consumer culture, discussing a historical overview of social programs, alternative movements, and mainstream institutions that promote economical spending habits, along with the distinction between cheapness and thriftiness, and related topics.

Saving strategies

Presents the Standard Deviants approach to understanding personal finance, focusing on strategies for saving and investing.

The automatic millionaire

a powerful one-step plan to live and finish rich
David Bach shares the secret to becoming rich, explaining why people do not need to make a lot of money to become rich.

Clark smart parents, Clark smart kids

teaching kids of every age the value of money
Offers parents effective strategies to help their children learn the value of money, the importance of saving, and the dangers of overspending.


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