Berry, Joy Wilt

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Every kid's guide to responding to danger

Discusses dangerous situations, places, and objects and gives advice on maintaining safety.

About weight problems and eating disorders

Discusses proper eating habits, weight problems and eating disorders.

What to do when your mom or dad says-- "You want a pet?"

Gives advice on choosing and caring for pets including cats, dogs, birds, rodents, and fish.

Every kid's guide to using time wisely

Explains how to manage your time, make plans, and follow through with them.

What to do when your mom or dad says-- "Be careful!"

Provides safety tips on how to prevent accidents from occuring inside and outside the home.

Every kid's guide to family rules and responsibilities

Explains what family rules and responsibilities are and the consequences of breaking rules.

Every kid's guide to making friends

Explains what a friend is, guidelines to follow for making friends, how to keep friends, and why friends are important.

Every kid's guide to laws that relate to kids in the community

Explains some of the special laws that apply to children who live in a community.


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