animal behavior

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animal behavior

Getting smelly to survive

Learn about the ways animals use smells to survive.

Blue-ringed octopus

A blue-ringed octopus is hidden in a coral reef off of Australia's coast. The creature pounces on a crab, trapping it in its tentacles. The little crab doesn't stand a chance against the venom of this octopus. Lively text and action-packed photos explore where this lightning-fast predator lives, how it hunts, and all that makes it a danger down under!.

Australian box jellyfish

A box jellyfish swims through the oceans of Australia on a deadly mission. The small fish isn't fast enough to out swim the jellyfish's long tentacles and toxic venom. Lively text and action-packed photos explore where this deadly predator lives, how it hunts, and all that makes it a danger down under!.


nature's cleanup crew
Jackals will eat almost anything. On the African savanna, they will even steal food from much bigger animals, like lions. Learn more about the lives of jackals.

Gila monster

The Gila monster is the largest lizard in the United States. It is one of the few lizards in the world that has venom in it's bite. Learn theses facts and more about the Gila monster in this book.

Poison dart frog

Did you know that there are about 200 different species of poison dart frogs? The smallest ones can easily fit on a human thumbnail, while the bodies of many medium to large species are about the size of a large grape. Find out more about poison dart frogs in this book.

Wolf, coyote, and other packs

"How can African wild dogs hunt animals ten times their size? What does the howl of a coyote mean? Why do some solitary hunters live in packs? Discover the answers in this . . . book and learn about the many ways living in a pack helps animals survive"--Provided by publisher.

Whale, dolphin, and other pods

"Why do belugas join pods to migrate? How do dolphins protect others in their pods? Why are pods important to some baby animals for survival? Discover the answers in this . . . book and learn about the many ways living in a pod helps animals survive"--Provided by publisher.

Penguin, prairie dog, and other colonies

"How do penguin colonies care for their young? Why do great blue herons migrate in groups? How do prairie dogs warn others of danger? Discover the answers in this interesting book and learn about the many ways living in a colony helps animals survive"--Provided by publisher.

Gorilla, baboon, and other troops

"Why do gorilla troops move to a new area each day? Why do bonobos sleep in large groups? How do animals in a troop help raise young? Discover the answers in this . . . book and learn about the many ways living in a troop helps animals survive"--Provided by publisher.


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