
Topical Term

To conserve a legacy

American art from historically Black colleges and universities
Photographs and text help profile six colleges and universities that have the largest collections of African-American art and artifacts.
Cover image of To conserve a legacy

African art

Virginia Museum of Fine Arts
Cover image of African art

Self-made worlds

visionary folk art environments
Contains photographs of folk-art environments around the world, and includes brief essays about the so-called "outsider" artists who created them using bottles, hubcaps, sequins, glass, and other waste and recycled materials.
Cover image of Self-made worlds

Keith Haring

Profiles the works of artist Keith Haring.
Cover image of Keith Haring

Camille Pissarro

impressionism, landscape and rural labour
Based on a 1990 touring exhibition organized by the British South Bank Centre. Surveys the work of the impressionist artist in various types of media.
Cover image of Camille Pissarro


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