marine aquarium fishes

Topical Term
marine aquarium fishes

Marine aquarium fish identifier

Discusses the physical traits, habits, behavior, availability and food needs of 120 marine aquarium fish.

Marine Fishes

500+ Essential-to-know Aquarium Species

The nano-reef handbook

A comprehensive guide to setting up and maintaining an aquarium housing reef organisms that is less than fifteen gallons in total volume, also known as a nano-reef, with information on filtration, lighting, temperature control, and maintaining proper water chemistry, while profiling more than thirty highly recommended fishes and invertibrates.

Saltwater aquarium

This handbook gives information on selecting, setting up, and maintaining a saltwater aquarium, and selecting and caring for marine fish, fish that are accustomed to much more stable environmental conditions than their freshwater counterparts.

Saltwater aquariums for dummies

A guide to caring for saltwater aquariums that includes information on choosing the right equipment, finding the best types of fish, changing the water, maintaining the habitat, and other related topics.

The new encyclopedia of the saltwater aquarium

Provides guidance for setting up and maintaining a saltwater aquarium and profiles more than 350 saltwater fish and invertebrate species, covering their sizes, distributions, behavior, diets, ideal aquariums, and compatibility with other species.

The aquarium fish survival manual

A guide for tropical fish owners that contains information on fish habitats, how to choose an aquarium, a diredtory of freshwater fish, and other related topics; includes over 300 photographs.


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