Amuba, a prince of the Rebu people enslaved by the ancient Egyptians, accidentally kills a cat--sacred to the Egyptians--and finds his life in danger; and also crosses paths with an Israelite prince named Moses.
Contains 253 large illustrations, including 135 in color, plus 1203 documentary illustrations. Traces the development of Grandma Moses's art and describes her life.
Recounts the story of the Jewish leader Moses, from his birth until his leading of the slaves out of Egypt. Based on the Torah, Modern Commentary and the King James Bible.
Color portfolio of twenty-five of the works of folk artist Grandma Moses, with a short commentary on her life and work which she began in earnest in the later years of her life when she was in her seventies.
A simple retelling of how Moses, who grew to lead the Hebrews out of captivity in Egypt, was saved when his mother and sister set him adrift in a water-tight basket where Pharoah's daughter would find him.