
Topical Term

Gigantic (sauropod) dinosaurs

classify the features of prehistoric creatures
"This book transports children back in time to meet the massive sauropods! Discover how these heavy herbivores evolved strong legs, necks and tails to support their great weight and keep them balanced. Readers can find out about all the different sauropod species and how they survived in the prehistoric world"--Publisher.


Simple text and illustrations introduce young readers to the sauroposeidon, discussing what it looked like, what it ate, and more.


Simple text and illustrations introduce young readers to the sauroposeidon, discussing what it looked like, what it ate, and more.


giant of giants
Text and illustrations look at the argentinosaurus and other dinosaurs.

Killer dinosaurs

"Two-legged carnivorous dinosaurs, known as theropods, are one of the most recognizable dinosaur types. Going beyond Tyrannosaurus rex, this book showcases many theropods, including feathered dinosaurs (dromaeosaurs) that, once discovered, provided one of the missing links between dinosaurs and birds. Although scientists have not discovered very many theropod fossils, they have still discovered a great deal about how these dinosaurs hunted, where they lay their eggs, and much more. Fact boxes, timelines, and images will help readers learn all about these fierce prehistoric carnivores"--Back cover.

Giant dinosaurs

"Sauropods, or long-necked plant-eating dinosaurs, are the largest land animals that have ever lived, with the biggest species discovered so far, Patagotitan mayorum, weighing as much as twelve African elephants! Why did they grow so big, and what was the purpose of their long necks? Readers will learn about all different kinds of sauropods, their features, what they ate, their nesting sites, the herds they lived in, and more. Paleontologists who have discovered sauropod fossils all over the world are recognized"--Back cover.

Suchomimus smiles like a crocodile

Text and illustrations look at the suchomimus and other dinosaurs.
Cover image of Suchomimus smiles like a crocodile

Long-necked dinosaurs

Describes the appearance, eating habits, and habitat of long-necked dinosaurs, including Brachiosaurus, Diplodocus, Camarasaurus, Mamenchisaurus, and Anchisaurus.

Long-necked dinosaurs

Describes the appearance, eating habits, and habitat of long-necked dinosaurs, including Brachiosaurus, Diplodocus, Camarasaurus, Mamenchisaurus, and Anchisaurus.

I'm big!

A young Sauropod encounters friends and foes while searching for his pack, who left while he was oversleeping.
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