Working animals

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Therapy animals

Discusss how humans and animals work together in the training of therapeutic animals.
Cover image of Therapy animals

Service animals

Discusses how animals receive special training to help people with physical and mental disabilities.
Cover image of Service animals

Search-and-rescue animals

Presents the work of search and rescue dogs, including the history of using animals for search operations, why dogs are equipped for the job, and some of the situations when search and rescue animals are required.
Cover image of Search-and-rescue animals

Military animals

Introduces readers to the brave and intelligent animals, like dogs and dolphins, that keep our country and our military safe!.
Cover image of Military animals

Crime-fighting animals

Describes the role dogs and horses play in fighting crime, their abilities, training, and job duties.
Cover image of Crime-fighting animals

Acting animals

Learn about how humans and animals work together for a specific purpose, such as therapy or rescue.
Cover image of Acting animals


Describes animals, including elephants, dogs, horses, mules, sea lions, dolphins, rats, and homing pigeons, which provide valuable service to the military.


Describes the role of animals in movies, sporting events, and various competitions.


Describes animals that help people who are blind or deaf, or who have physical handicaps.


Describes animals that people all over the world use to transport people and goods, such as elephants, horses, yaks, water buffalo, and dogs.


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