Fantasy and folklore

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Ogres and giants

Presents the history and origin of giants and ogres in the ancient mythology of Greece and Rome, Norse and Scandinavian folklore, and various fairy tales.

Wizards and witches

Explores the history of wizards, druids, shamans, and witches, looks at how they are depicted in books and films, and discusses their appearance in modern life.

Weapons of fantasy and folklore

Presents an introduction to various weapons of fantasy literature, mythology, and folklore, including swords, daggers, axes, lances, bows, armors, and beasts. Includes illustrations.

Princesses and heroines

Presents an introduction to heroines and princess of folklore, in simple text with illustrations, including information on Joan of Arc, Eleanor of Aquitaine, Boudicca, and more.

Magical cities

Provides information about legendary and mythical cities. Includes stories about Camelot, Atlantis, Valhalla, El Dorado, Minas Tirith, Rivendell, and Xanadu.

Knights and heroes

Presents an introduction to the knights and heroes of legend and folklore, in simple text with illustrations, including information on King Arthur, their tournaments, battle tactics, and related topics.

Castles and dungeons

Describes the parts of a castle, how different kinds of castles were built, how sieges were laid, what dungeons were used for, and what daily life in a castle was like, and includes photos of castles in England and elsewhere as well as fantasy illustrations.

Unicorns and other magical creatures

Explores the origins of unicorn legend and lore, describes the attributes of the magical creatures, looks at their appearance in books and films, and discusses the search for real unicorns. Includes an examination of several other magical creatures, including Pegasus, griffins, and mermaids.

Elves and fairies

Describes the origins of elves and fairies in children's literature focusing on their magical abilities. Discusses the differences between elves and fairies and how they can both represent moments of good and evil.


Describes the origins of the mythology of dragons and includes information on early dragon folklore and classical dragons, St. George and the Dragon, serpent dragons, Beowulf versus the Dragon, and Asian dragons.


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