Fifteen-year-old Mark Centeno convinces his father, who is Filipino and Mexican, to let him spend time with his mother's Chumash and Crow family in California in hopes of surfing with his friends but, instead, connects with his heritage through dance.
Katie, also known as Red Bird, joins her family and other Indians at the annual powwow in southern Delaware, where they celebrate their Nanticoke heritage with music, dancing, and special foods.
Collection of portraits of powwow dancers from various Native American tribes, with comments from the dancers about their families, tribal, cultural, and spiritual traditions and the meaning of powwow in their lives.
Text and accompanying photographs follow nine-year-old Louis Pierres' experiences on the powwow trail and offers insight into the stories, traditions, and customs that have helped Native Americans preserve the powwow.
Sandy Starbright's family celebrates her birthday by giving her gifts and going to a powwow, where she learns about Native American traditions and cultures.