glossaries, vocabularies, etc

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glossaries, vocabularies, etc

Analysis of Chinese characters

Analyzes more than 1,000 Sino-Japanese characters and discusses their origins, meanings, pronunciations, written and seal form, and use.

Everyday words from names of people & places

Describes the origins of proper nouns that have become common words in the English language such as boycott, gauze, scrooge, and scapegoat.

The words you should know to sound smart

1,200 essential words every sophisticated person should be able to use
Contains twelve hundred vocabulary words, and provides definitions, pronunciation, and example sentences for each alphabetically arranged entry.

Chaucer's language

A guide for students studying the works of Chaucer, which explains how to interpret Middle English language, discussing pronunciation and definitions in twentieth-century context, as well as the variations on the fourteenth-century London dialect Chaucer used throughout his works.

Dewdroppers, waldos, and slackers

a decade-by-decade guide to the vanishing vocabulary of the twentieth century
Presents a decade-by-decade guide to words that became popular over the course of the twentieth century, many of which have since disappeared from the English language.

Divided by a common language

a guide to British and American English
Offers a detailed comparison of the language and customs of the United States and the United Kingdom, describing differences in daily life, culture, traditions, and language.

Seya's song

Using some traditional Clallam words, a young Indian describes the natural surroundings and activities of the Clallam, or S'Klallam, people through the seasons of the year. Includes glossary.

Black talk

words and phrases from the hood to the amen corner
An alphabetically arranged guide that defines more than three hundred words and phrases from the African-American community.

What's in a name?

reflections of an irrepressible name collector
Takes a whimsical look at the naming of everyday things, from people, to cars, animals, and places, and discusses their origins.


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