mexico, gulf of

Geographic Name
mexico, gulf of

Gunfire around the Gulf

the last major naval campaigns of the Civil War
Coombe takes us inside the suffocating hulls of steam-powered ironclads shuddering under the impact of cannonballs and gunboat rams, into nights lit by the fires of burning ships, and harrowing battles as gunships hammer away at each other from virtually point-blank range, often unable to tell friend from foe.

The pirates Laffite

the treacherous world of the corsairs of the Gulf
Chronicles the lives and exploits of Jean and Pierre Laffite, privateers along the Gulf Coast during the early 1800s and describes how they raided Spanish merchant ships and came to assist the U.S. against English during the War of 1812.

Go fish

After spending the day fishing in the Gulf of Mexico with Grandfather, eight-year-old Thomas has a quiet evening on the porch hearing more about his African heritage.

Caribbean Sea and Gulf of Mexico

Examines the physical features, climate and currents, marine life, resources, and environment of the regions surrounding the Caribbean Sea and Gulf of Mexico.

The Gulf of Mexico

Text and color photos describe the Gulf of Mexico, including its geology, its properties as a body of water, its wildlife, its weather, the human life surrounding it, and factors affecting it such as pollution.

Rigged for revenge

Frank goes undercover as a helicopter pilot and Joe goes undercover as a jack-of-all-trades to find out who is trying to destroy a floating oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico.

Go fish

After spending the day fishing in the Gulf of Mexico with Grandfather, eight-year-old Thomas has a quiet evening on the porch hearing more about his African heritage.

The Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico

Covers the geography, climate, resources, and history of the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico regions.


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