modern history

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modern history

Events that changed the world in the eighteenth century

Describes and evaluates the global impact of ten of the eighteenth century's most important events.


our century in pictures
Illustrates personalities, issues, and international, scientific, cultural, and economic events of the 20th century.

The Facts on file encyclopedia of the 20th century

Over 8,000 A-to-Z entries capture the people, places, events, and concepts that have shaped the past 90-plus years.

The seventeenth century

Describes the religious conflicts, travel and communication, homes, food and drink, clothing, celebrations, scientific advances, and other aspects of life in seventeenth-century Europe.

The sixteenth century

Describes the clothing, religion, housing, food and drink, work, and other aspects of life in sixteenth-century Europe.

Term paper resource guide to nineteenth-century world history

Provides students and teachers with hundreds of ideas for term papers related to one hundred significant events in nineteenth-century world history and lists thousands of print and nonprint sources.

Powers of the crown

time frame AD 1600-1700
Discusses different ruling groups throughout the world including the shoguns of Japan, the absolute monarchies in France and England, the rise of the middle class and republicanism, and the settlement of the New World.

The Nuclear age

TimeFrame AD 1950-1990
Discusses events in modern history including the Cold War, the Middle East, and other developments since 1945.

Great events

Each chapter tells the story of a real event giving background information that leads up to the point of discovery, where four alternative endings are presented, and the actual results are revealed.

From punk rock to perestroika

Examines the political, economic, social, and technological developmentsin the world during the mid 1970s to mid 1980s including punk rock and Star Wars, the end of the Vietnam War, Ronald Reagan, Iran-Iraq War and the Iran hostage crisis, and the end of the Cold War.


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