animal defenses

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animal defenses

Animal defenses

"[Describes how] animals and their offspring must defend themselves against danger from nature or enemies. From hard shells to camouflage, animals use their physical characteristics to help keep them safe. Includes science and reading activities and a word list"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Animal defenses

Nocturnal and diurnal animals explained

Learn about the animals who come out in the twilight hours between day and night.
Cover image of Nocturnal and diurnal animals explained

Rain forests

Meet some of the animals that make their home in the hot, wet tropical rain forests, from flying frogs to slow-moving sloths.
Cover image of Rain forests


Meet some of the animals that survive on the highest mountains on Earth, from snow monkeys to yaks.
Cover image of Mountains


Meet some of the animals that survive in the vast grasslands, from fast-running cheetahs to prairie dogs.
Cover image of Grasslands

Intimidating elephants

Readers will discover about elephant trunks, tusks, behaviors, and habitats and how some of these put the mammal at risk.
Cover image of Intimidating elephants

Amazing animal survivors

Introduces animals that have unusual survival abilities, covering the octopus ink screen, the Australian frog that fills itself with water, the horned lizard's ability to puff its body to twice its size and shoot blood from its eyes, changing color for camouflage, spraying a foul-smelling fluid, and more.
Cover image of Amazing animal survivors

Traits for survival

Describes several common traits that help animals survive, including fur, camouflage, and hunting skills.

Trap-door spiders and other amazing predators

Looks at different animals that use lures, traps, and teamwork to catch their prey.

Exploding ants and other amazing defenses

"This book describes the amazing and uncommon ways in which animals defend themselves from predators, from playing dead to shooting blood from their eyes."--Provided by publisher.


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