Two unusual black cheetahs share a mental link, one cat coming from the past to reveal scenes from his life with the young pharaoh Tutankhamen, and one struggling to survive in a future world ravaged by ecological disaster.
Describes the events leading to the discovery of the tomb of Egyptian pharaoh Tutankhamen in 1922 as well as the tomb's opening and findings. Includes a biography of Lord Carnarvon, the tomb's discoverer and photographs and descriptions of treasures found in the tomb.
Offers a brief introduction to the the 1922 discovery of King Tut's tomb in Egypt's Valley of the Kings, describing how archaeologist Howard Carter discovered the tomb and spent the next ten years excavating the priceless artifacts that had been buried with the pharaoh.
Discusses the history of Tutankhamen, or King Tut, and his death, detailing the search and discovery of his tomb, and explains the tales of King Tut's curse.