Patent, Dorothy Hinshaw

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Wild turkey, tame turkey

Relates the colorful history of the native North American turkey and compares that proud bird with its domesticated cousin.

Where food comes from

Shows how all food--grains, vegetables, fruits, and dairy and meat products--begins on the farm as sun, earth, air, and water combine to grow plants.

An apple a day

from orchard to you
An overview of growing apples, from planting and harvesting to the grocery shelves.

Singing birds and flashing fireflies

Illustrates how animals use a variety of signals to communicate with each other.

Yellowstone fires

flames and rebirth
Describes the massive forest fires that burned almost one million acres of Yellowstone National Park in 1988 and the effects, both positive and negative, on the ecology of the forest there.

Apple trees

Describes the life cycle of an apple tree and how different varieties of apples are grown and harvested.

Slinky, scaly, slithery snakes

Describes different species of snakes, and looks at their habitats, physiology, methods for hunting prey, and reproduction.

Polar bears

Describes the physical characteristics, diet, natural habitat, and life cycle of polar bears.

Great ice bear

the polar bear and the Eskimo
Presents information about polar bears which inhabit the Arctic regions of Russia, Norway, Canada, the United States, Denmark, and Greenland; and discusses their relationships with humans.

A family goes hunting

Relates, in text and photographs, the experiences of twelve-year-old Leif as he goes on his first hunting trip with his family in Montana.


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