Prehistoric animals

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Plated dinosaurs

Describes the physical characteristics and behavior of different plated dinosaurs, including the stegosaurus, kentrosaurus and more.
Cover image of Plated dinosaurs

Frilled dinosaurs

Provides descriptions of ten frilled dinosaurs, including triceratops and protoceratops.
Cover image of Frilled dinosaurs

Prehistoric mammals

Text and color illustrations explore prehistoric mammals.
Cover image of Prehistoric mammals

Frilled dinosaurs

"Readers will enjoy learning all about frilled dinosaurs, perhaps some of the coolest creatures of prehistoric times. This book explores dinosaurs that spread their frills wide to make themselves look big and scary to predators. Readers will find fun facts about each dinosaur, from the well-known Triceratops to the amazing Archaeoceratops. Each dinosaur is described through information-rich text and a descriptive picture, so readers can grasp important facts about anatomy and behavior. Readers are sure to be thrilled by those freaky frills!"--Provided by the publisher.

Duck-billed dinosaurs

"What's up with that funny-looking dinosaur? Readers will love learning about dinosaurs that had heads that resembled today's ducks. This book gives a detailed background of each duck-headed dinosaur from the Corythosaurus to the Edmontosaurus. Readers will learn about each dinosaur's anatomy, behavior, and diet through accessible text, fast facts, and colorful illustrations. This is sure to be a dynamic and exciting read that keeps budding paleontologists' minds engaged"--Provided by the publisher.

Armored dinosaurs

"Like today's creatures, dinosaurs adapted over time to stay safe and survive in their prehistoric environments. This book introduces readers to armored dinosaurs, which were covered in thick, hard plates, or scutes, to keep them safe from predators. Readers will love discovering fun facts about these amazing armored animals, such as Ankylosaurus, Desmatosuchus, and Talarurus, among others. Manageable text is supplemented by fast facts and detailed depictions of each dinosaur to give readers a well-rounded understanding of each dinosaur and its anatomy, behavior, and adaptations. These dinosaurs might be hard on the outside, but this book makes learning about them easy!"--Provided by the publisher.

Sharp-clawed dinosaurs

Provides descriptions of ten dinosaurs that had sharp teeth including velociraptor and oviraptor.

Prehistoric flying reptiles

Text and color illustrations explore the Pterosauria, or prehistoric flying reptiles.

Prehistoric sea reptiles

Highlights the physical and behavioral characteristics of ten prehistoric sea reptiles. Includes a timeline and glossary.

Sharp-clawed dinosaurs

"Dinosaurs roamed the planet millions of years ago, but their gigantic size and fascinating physical features continue to amaze readers of all ages today. Many dinosaurs are known for their sharp claws, which helped them hunt and defend themselves against their prehistoric predators. This volume covers 10 sharp-clawed dinosaurs, presenting the captivating facts about them through clear, age-appropriate language. Readers will delight in the full-color graphic representation of each dinosaur, which encourages them to visualize what they're learning. A timeline and glossary provide opportunities for additional learning"--Provided by the publisher.


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