great barrier reef (qld.)

Geographic Name
great barrier reef (qld.)

Coral reef explorer

Takes an in-depth look at coral reef habitats and the animals, organisms, and plants that dwell there, as observed during an imaginary dive to Australia's Great Barrier Reef.

Great Barrier Reef

Contains photographs and information about the Great Barrier Reef, a collection of thousands of individual coral reefs and islands located off the northeastern coast of Australia, discussing how the reef was formed, the behaviors of coral organisms, the geologic structure of the reef, and the plant and animal life it supports.

Old shell, new shell

a coral reef tale
A hermit crab who has outgrown his shell searches for a new one among the creatures of Australia's Great Barrier Reef. Includes a key which identifies the coral reef animals in the illustrations.

The search for the sunken treasure

Secret agent Jack Stalwart travels to the Great Barrier Reef in search of a missing diver and treasure.

Great Barrier Reef

Photographs and text introduce animals, plants, and humans found on the Great Barrier Reef of Australia.

One less fish

Counting down from twelve to zero, the reader learns about some of the fish found on the Great Barrier Reef and the threats to their continued existence.

The Great Barrier Reef

Describes the structure of Australia's Great Barrier Reef, the creatures that live among the coral, and threats to the reef's survival.

The Great Barrier Reef

Details the characteristics of the Great Barrier Reef and examines what life is like for people in this part of the world. Details efforts to study the region's geography and includes color photographs and a glossary.

The Great Barrier Reef

using graphs and charts to solve word problems
Provides scientific facts about the origin, creatures, enemies, and value of the Great Barrier Reef. Includes color photographs and sample word problems that utilize charts and graphs.

The Great Barrier Reef

An overview of the Great Barrier Reef. Examines its varied wildlife, its history, and current conservation efforts.


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