Amazing body

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Look, listen, taste, touch, and smell

learning about your five senses
An illustrated introduction to the five senses, explaining how they work to help people taste, touch, see, smell, and hear.
Cover image of Look, listen, taste, touch, and smell

Shhhh...a book about hearing

Hearing helps your brain get more information about everything around you. Listen up to learn what happens to sound once it reaches your ear.


a book about sight
Presents a children's study on the sense of sight and describes the different parts of the eye such as the iris, pupil, retina, cornea, and the nerves.


a book about taste
Presents a children's picture book about the tongue, taste buds, and how the body can tell the difference between foods that are salty and those that are sweet.

Think, think, think

learning about your brain
An illustrated introduction to the human brain, explaining how it works to control thoughts, movements, and feelings.

Soft and smooth, rough and bumpy

a book about touch
Presents a children's picture book that teaches about touch and describes soft and smooth things, prickly things, hot and cold things, and more.


learning about your heart
An illustrated introduction to the heart and circulatory system, explaining how it works to move oxygen throughout the body.

Sniff, sniff

a book about smell
Presents a children's picture book that teaches about the sense of smell.

Gurgles and growls

learning about your stomach
An illustrated introduction to the stomach and digestive system, explaining how they work to turn food into energy.

Breathe in, breathe out

learning about your lungs
An illustrated introduction to the lungs, explaining how they work to help people use air properly.


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