Eckart, Edana

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Monarch butterfly

Introduces the physical characteristics and behavior of the monarch butterfly.
Cover image of Monarch butterfly

Woolly monkey

Presents information on woolly monkeys, and describes their physical characteristics, where they live, what they eat, and how they play.


Learn about beetles.

Komodo Dragon

An introduction to the physical characteristics, and behavior of the komodo dragon, the largest lizard on Earth.

I can skateboard

Photographs and simple text show the steps involved in learning to skateboard.

I can go fishing

A young girl goes out in a boat with her father and learns to fish.

I can bowl

When a young girl and her father go bowling, she shows how to play the game.

Macaroni penguin

Provides information about Macaroni Penguin, and describes their physical characteristics, where they live, what they eat, and includes an explanation of the behavior of mothers and babies.

California condor

Presents in introduction to the physical characteristics and behaviors of the California condor, the largest land bird in North America.


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