korean war, 1950-1953

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korean war, 1950-1953

The war for Korea, 1945-1950

a house burning
Offers a comprehensive overview of the causes and early military operations of the Korean War, tracing its origins to the post-liberation conflict between two revolutionary movements and the groups' efforts to assert their right to govern the peninsula.

The Coldest winter

America and the Korean War
Tells the story of the Second Infantry Division and their terrible defeat by forces of the People's Republic Army in 1950.

Notes from the divided country

Korean American poet Suji Kwock Kim presents more than thirty poems on such themes as family, country, war, love, and humanity.

Korean War almanac

A comprehensive reference to the Korean War that includes a day-by-day chronology of the war, profiles of the people involved, descriptions of the weaponry used, historical photographs, and more.

Encyclopedia of the Korean War

a political, social, and military history
Contains over six hundred alphabetically arranged entries, many built on information from Russian and Chinese archives, that provide information about various aspects of the Korean War; and includes over one hundred primary source documents, illustrations, maps, a chronology of Korean history, a glossary, and an index.


heroic ordeal of the Korean War
Details the heroic combat operations of the United States X Corps of General Douglas MacArthur's Far East Command during the Chosin Reservoir campaign of 1950 in North Korea.

Damage control

Corporal Tony Donovan and his Army Corps of Engineer companions must rebuild one of the jeeps they were carrying when their plane crashes behind enemy lines and escape before North Korea attacks.

Crossroads in Korea

the historic siege of Chipyong ni
At this most important crossroads in the Korean War, General Ridgway engineered a trap for a Red Chinese army.

The bridges at Toko-ri

The men of a naval task force operating in the icy waters off the Korean shore work together to destroy the heavily guarded bridge at Toko-ri and stop essential supplies from moving to the Communist front lines.

The war at home

Discusses the impact of the Korean Conflict on life in the United States, including the dichotomy between post-World War II optimism and consumerism versus the fear of communism and nuclear bombs.


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