The first private American citizen chosen to go on a spaceflight, Christa McAuliffe, lost her life when the Challenger exploded just after liftoff. Describes her special interest in the space program.
Examines the history of Cuba under the rule of Fidel Castro and the life of the dictator, discussing his education, rise to power, political beliefs, and foreign relations.
Offers a brief introduction to the life and times of Libian dictator Muammar Qaddafi, discussing how he became ruler of Libya, why he alienated many of his Arab neighbors, how his actions impacted the world as a whole, and other related topics.
Describes some of the most violent battles in the first two years of the Civil War, including the first and second battles at Bull Run, Shiloh, and Antietam.
Examines the debate over political campaigns in the United States, discussing funding, the importance of primaries, electronic voting, dirty campaigning, voter fraud, the nominating process, and related topics.