Describes the journey to and the founding of Jamestown, the first permanent English settlement in America, from the point of view of a ten year old boy.
and other questions about the Jamestown settlement
Ransom, Candice F.
Provides an overview of the Jamestown settlement, describing why the English settlers came to America, what they found when they arrived, and how they adapted to their new lives.
Journal entries and writings from English colonists help chronicle the life of Pocahontas, discussing how she saved the life of Captain John Smith in 1608.
A biography of the famous American Indian princess, emphasizing her life-long adulation of John Smith and the roles she played in two very different cultures.
Pocahontas, the eleven-year-old daughter of the Powhatan chief Mamanatowic, acts with wisdom and compassion in an effort to bring about an understanding between her people and the colonists who have come to settle in Virginia in the seventeenth century. Told in the alternating voices of Pocahontas and Captain John Smith.
Presents an account of the founding and difficult early years of the Jamestown Colony and discusses why colonists traveled from England to North America, what struggles the colonists faced in the settlement's first years, and who led the colony and helped it become a success.
Describes the early years of Jamestown, the first English settlement in America, discussing daily life, struggles, and businesses, and explores the excavation of the colony by archaeologists.