Jackson, Ellen B.

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It's back to school we go!

first day stories from around the world
In easy-to-read text, describes what the first day of school might be like for a child in Kenya, Kazakhstan, Canada, Australia, Japan, China, Peru, Germany, India, Russia, and the United States.
Cover image of It's back to school we go!

Cinder Edna

Cinderella and Cinder Edna, who live next door to each other, each with a cruel stepmother and stepsisters, have different approaches to life.

The mysterious universe

supernovae, dark energy, and black holes
An illustrated discussion of space phenomena, such as supernovas, black holes, and dark energy, which scientists, including Dr. Alex Fillippenka and his High-Z Supernova Search Team, believe are pushing the universe apart at an accelerated rate. Includes glossary.

The summer solstice

Describes how different civilizations have celebrated the the day of the summer solstice.
Cover image of The summer solstice

Cinder Edna

Cinderella and Cinder Edna, who live with cruel stepmothers and stepsisters, have different approaches to life; and, although each ends up with the prince of her dreams, one is a great deal happier than the other.

Turn of the century

eleven centuries of children and change
Children living in Great Britain and the United States at the beginning of each century between 1000 and 2000 A.D. describe their lifestyle at the time.

The impossible riddle

The tsar of Russia loves his daughter and her potato pancakes so much that he will not allow her to marry, but finally a handsome young suitor outsmarts him.

The grumpus under the rug

Mother doesn't believe there is a Grumpus under the rug causing all the mischief, even though her little boy keeps telling her so.

Brown cow, green grass, yellow mellow sun

A young boy learns about colors in a day at the farm. Includes recipe for pancakes and instructions for making butter.

Cinder Edna

Cinderella and Cinder Edna, who live with cruel stepmothers and stepsisters, have different approaches to life; and, although each ends up with the prince of her dreams, one is a great deal happier than the other.


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