cort?s, hern?n

cort?s, hern?n

History of the conquest of Mexico

Tells the stories of Cortes' subjugation of the Aztecs in Mexico and Pizzaro's subjugation of the Incas in Peru.

Cort?s & Pizarro

Describes Hern?n Cort?s's and Francisco Pizarro's conquests and explorations in Mexico and Peru, discussing the sophisticated Aztec and Inca civilizations and the role of European diseases in their destruction.

Hern?n Cort?s and the fall of the Aztec Empire

Tells in graphic novel format the story of Spanish conquistador Hern?n Cort?s's destruction of the Aztec Empire to gain Montezuma's gold.


The story of Cortes' life and his conquering of the Aztec Empire in Mexico in 1519-1520 which won Mexico for Spain.

Hernan Cortes

conquistador in Mexico
A brief biography of the sixteenth-century Spanish conquistador, focusing on his role in the invasion and destruction of the Aztec civilization in Mexico.

Hernando Cort?s

conquistador and empire builder
Introduces the life of Hern?n Cort?s, the Spanish explorer who discovered Baja California and explored the Pacific coast of Mexico, but who is best remembered for conquering the Aztec Empire.


When Malinalli, a member of the tribe conquered by the Aztec warriors, first meets Cort?s, she -- like many -- believes that he is the reincarnated forefather god of her tribe. Naturally, she assumes that her task is to help Cort?s destroy the Aztec empire and free her people. The two fall passionately in love, but Malinalli gradually comes to realize that Cort?s's thirst for conquest is all too human. He is willing to destroy anyone, even his own men, even their own love.Throughout Mexican history, Malinalli has been reviled for her betrayal of the Indian people. However, recent historical research has shown that her role was much more complex; she was the mediator between two cultures, Hispanic and Native American, and two languages, Spanish and N?huatl.Bursting with lyricism and vivid imagery, Malinche finally unveils the truth behind this legendary love affair.

Cort?s and the conquest of the Aztec Empire in world history

Relates the story of the Aztec Empire's defeat by the Spanish army at the hand of Hernan Cortes.

Hernando Cortes

Discusses the life of Hernando Cortes and how his actions as conqueror of Mexico affected the course of history.

Hernando Cortes

A biography of Spanish adventurer, Cortes, who conquered Mexico in the early 1500's thus ending the Aztec nation.


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