Presents thirty-two primary works that represent Western humanistic thought from the sixth century through the sixteenth, along with introductions on the author and the significance of each; includes pieces by such figures as St. Thomas Aquinas, Dante, Chaucer, Shakespeare, and Martin Luther.
how Renassance artists and Reformation priests created our world
Cahill, Thomas
Beginning with the Black Death, this volume of the author's history of Europe discusses how the innovations and explorations of the Renaissance era and the events of the Reformation changed the Western world to an extent that would not occur again until the twentieth century.
Presents ninety color plates depicting the fashions of the medieval and Renaissance eras, featuring the typical dress styles of royalty, servants, knights, pages, religious figures, and commoners.
Contains illustrated articles that chronicle European history between 1300 and 1700; discussing the influence of plague and war on the European people and examining the development of humanism. Arranged alphabetically from Battle of Agincourt to Dams and Drainage.
Explains how the pursuit of natural philosophy from 1500 to 1700 laid the foundation upon which modern science was built, describing how dramatic social and cultural changes in Western Europe and the achievements of influential philosophers and scientists led to profound changes in how the natural world was studied.
Seventeen-year-old Matt, painfully dyslexic and insecure, discovers that he can travel between worlds after being transported to Talia, where he joins Luciano and other Stravaganti in trying to prevent the di Chimici family's breakthrough into our world.
a history of civilization in Italy from 1304-1576 A.D.
Durant, Will
Makes a preliminary study of the economic bais and background and considers the reasons why Italy was the first nation to feel the awakening of the modern mind.
Discusses the shift from qualitative to quantitative perception in Western Europe during the late Middle Ages and Renaissance helping to modernize science, business, and technology and also looks at how this change in thinking affected such areas as music and art.