signs and symbols

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signs and symbols

100 symbols that changed the world

"Looks at the genesis and adoption of the world's most recognizable symbols"--.

Washington Monument

The Washington Monument is a tall stone tower in Washington, DC. The monument stands as a tribute to the leadership, wisdom, and strength of the first president of the United States. Find out more in Washington Monument, one of the titles in the Icons of America series.

Jefferson Memorial

The Jefferson Memorial is located on Washington National Mall, along the Potomac River Tidal Basin. The memorial was made to honor one of the most important figures in early American history. Find out more in Jefferson Memorial, one of the titles in the Icons of America series.

Capitol Building

The United States Capitol, in Washington, DC, serves as a workplace for the U.S. Congress. Situated on top of Capitol Hill, the Capitol building overlooks the National Mall and the Lincoln Memorial. Find out more in Capitol Building, one of the titles in the Icons of America series.

Print's best logos & symbols

winning designs from Print magazine's national competition

Fabric of the game

the stories behind the NHL's names, logos, and uniforms
"[The authors] explore and share the origin stories of how every team in the history of the National Hockey League was named and why they look the way they do"--Back cover.

Let's learn shapes

Readers will learn about shapes by seeing signs of different shapes.


Simple text and illustrations introduce the reader to pictographs. Includes audio, videos, activities, weblinks, slideshows, transparencies, maps, quizzes, and supplementary resources.

Our American symbols

Introduces American symbols such as the flag, Liberty Bell, Statue of Liberty, and Lincoln Memorial, describing their histories.

Pictures of America

Discusses pictures and symbols that represent America, including patriotic, geographic, corporate, and official symbols.


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