angelou, maya

angelou, maya

Maya Angelou

woman of words, deeds, and dreams
Describes the life of the African-American singer, writer, and civil rights activist.

Maya Angelou

journey of the heart
Traces the journey of this African-American woman from childhood through her life as an entertainer, civil rights activist, writer, poet, and university professor.

I know why the caged bird sings

Presents chapter-by-chapter summaries and commentaries Mata Angelou's book, includingauthor biography and critical information on the author and the novel, character analyses, review questions, and a selected bibliography.

Maya Angelou

Examines the life and accomplishments of the African-American writer, performer, and teacher, and covers her impact on literature and culture.

Maya Angelou

Contains twelve essays in which the authors provide critical perspectives on the works of twentieth-century American writer Maya Angelou, and includes a chronology, notes on the contributors, and a bibliography.

Maya Angelou

Examines the life of poet and author Maya Angelou, discussing her difficult childhood, her education, and her marriages and son, and looking at her accomplishments as the first African-American streetcar conductor in San Francisco, as an entertainer, writer, and civil rights activist.

Singin' and swingin' and gettin' merry like Christmas

A continuation of her autobiography by the author of "I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings" and "Gather Together In my Name." Tells of her marriage and her theatrical career.

I know why the caged bird sings

Autobiography covering the childhood of a woman who has been a professional dancer, actress, poet, journalist, and television producer.

Learning about achievement from the life of Maya Angelou

A biography of writer Maya Angelou, discussing her early life in Stamps, Arkansas, her move to San Francisco, her involvement in the Civil Rights movement, and her success as an author.

Maya Angelou

poet, performer, activist
A biography of poet Maya Angelou, discussing her turbulent childhood, her devotion to books, her experiences as a young mother, her career in show business, and her emergence as a writer and speaker.


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