new york

Topical Term
new york

The Web

Grace discovers that she must fulfill an ancient prophecy and choose between two groups of Irish warriors, the Fomori and the Fianna.

A time to dance

Virginia's Civil War diary
Viriginia records the events of her life as her family moves to New York City in the aftermath of the Civil War, and she begins to dream of a life in the theater.

New York's Industry

The Expansion of an Industrial Economy
Contents include New York and the Industrial Revolution, Kings of the Railroad, Engineering and Invention, Corning, the City of Glass, The Rich Oil Industry, Westinghouse Makes Life Easier, A Bright Inventor, Photography in Rochester, Endicott: Shoes and Computers, The Impact of Industrial Expansion.

The encyclopedia of New York

A single source for the most used information for New York State.

Weird New York

your travel guide to New York's local legends and best kept secrets
Describes and directs travelers to roadside oddities, personalized properties, strange beasts, legendary spots, places related to local heroes and villains, and sites of unexplained phenomena throughout the state of New York.

The natural history of New York

by Stan Freeman ; illus. by Mike Nasuti
Highlights the natural history of New York State.

Will You Be My Brussels Sprout? :

An aspiring sixteen-year-old cellist falls in love with her friend's older brother and finds that the relationship is moving too quickly.


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