giant squids

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giant squids


gigantic ocean terror
"This title traces the history of the kraken and its long list of recorded sightings. The legendary size and terrifying tales of the kraken are fully explained by the end"--.
Cover image of Kraken

The secret life of the kraken

"Think you know all about the kraken? Think again! This tentacled cryptid has a secret life that may surprise you. Where do krakens call home? Do the big underwater beasts really use barf as bait? Uncover these exciting facts and more through . . . photos and easy-to-read text that supports struggling readers and engages monster fans alike"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of The secret life of the kraken

Whale vs. giant squid

Contains facts about whales and giant squids, comparing such aspects as their sizes, speed, and abilities.
Cover image of Whale vs. giant squid

What do we know about the kraken?

"Sea monsters have a long history in lore and literature. Homer first wrote of them in 700 BCE. [This book] lets curious young readers explore what we actually know about this mysterious sea monster's long history. Dive into the facts behind this massive squid-like creature that was first described using the word "Kraken" in the beginning of the eighteenth century. For centuries, sailors have feared the Kraken, which they believe lurks in the ocean, waiting to pull ships beneath the surface with its powerful tentacles. Several famous writers such as Alfred, Lord Tennyson and Jules Verne have described monsters inspired by the Kraken. In this book, readers will also learn about the real creature that might have inspired the Kraken -- the giant squid"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of What do we know about the kraken?

Search for a giant squid

pick your path
"A choose your own path style story that guides the reader through the very real job of being a teuthologist.".
Cover image of Search for a giant squid


tales of the giant squid
Describes some of the exaggerated stories that have been told about giant squids and also what scientists have learned about their real physical characteristics and behavior.

I'm the biggest thing in the ocean

A giant squid brags about being bigger than everything else in the ocean--almost.
Cover image of I'm the biggest thing in the ocean

Giant squid

searching for a sea monster
"Describes the science of the giant squid and the challenges in finding and learning about this cephalopod"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Giant squid

Outside and inside giant squid

Describes the inner and outer workings of giant squids, enormous deep-sea creatures that have never been seen alive, discussing their diet, anatomy, and reproduction.
Cover image of Outside and inside giant squid

The monster of the deep

"After a long search, the Oliver family finds the sunken treasure ship they seek. But when they try to retrieve the fortune, a giant squid attacks! Can Samuel subdue the squid so his father and uncle can get the riches? And squid don't need gold! What is the monster really guarding?"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of The monster of the deep


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